PlantSight E3D Bridge Extractor Help

Admin Console, Options Tab

The options tab is used to manage the main server settings.

Host [IP] The service host IP. The IP of the network with which you want to work. You can select any which works with any connected network.
Host [Port] The service port that listens to incoming WCF connections. Used for export service.
Note: If you do not know what ports to use, it is recommended that you use the defaults provided.
Timeout (min.) E3D Bridge Extractor site disconnection timeout in minutes. Used to free allocated resources if no activity has taken place.
Repository Path Directory path where the Intermediate/cached export files are placed. By default, it is C:\ProgramData\Bentley\PlantSight E3D Bridge Extractor.
Manage Projects: Starts the Project Repository Manager. The Project Repository Manager manages the settings and PDMx xml files for converting.
Apply / OK If an administrator makes changes and applies them with Apply or OK the Admin Console displays a message if the E3D Bridge Extractor is running.
  • If you click Yes, the updated settings are applied and the server restarts.
  • If you click No, the updated settings are applied, but the server does not restart. You should manually restart the server using the standard Administrative Tools/Services console.
  • If you click Cancel, all changes are discarded.